nonton PLACEBO malam nanti.
baju tempur dengan sepatu konser sudah melekat. sampai di kantor,
tersadar kaosnya kebalik, depan jadi blakang, vice versa... bodo amat, nekat.
mendekati jamnya, dag-dig-dug makin tak menentu.
jantung pun semakin melonjak setelah dapat SMS dari Varin,
"Udah dateng aja... Gak perlu ke calo."
gemetar sejadi-jadinya.
ayo jantungku, kembali ke tempatnya! I have to go to this gig!!!
and there I was...
stepped in as they played
"Cenicero Cenicero... Mi corazon mi cenicero!!!"
even though they didn't play "I Do",
I did have a blast especially when they played
"Every Me, Every You"
and my favorite
tons of thank yous for Varinnia Wibowo for making this happen.
though you don't believe in myth but good luck happened last night.
it was so great I just don't want it to end.