My getaway is my beloved iPod Nano 1 GB 1st Edition, as well known as iNo.
Every morning, or simply anytime I need an immediate getaway, me and my iNo are closer then any other twins you've ever known before. Besides arranged a playlist according to the mood it creates, my habit is to put the songs in RANDOM order.
I don't know how it all started, but one morning when I need a boost of mood, I played "Taking Off" by The Cure. All of a sudden it was followed by "Fuck You Very Much", "Dance.Dance.Dance", and "Viva La Vida."
The other day, as if listens to what I wish to hear, a rockin' growlin' sound, iNo played "Talons" by Bloc Party, "White Palms" by the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, "Hiburan Ringan" by Koil, and "Lawless" by Unkle.
Last night, when I was down... I put on "Tonight" by Lykke Li, it followed by "Catch The Windblows" By EndahNRhessa. Which automatically helped me get thru the bitter feeling and appreciate my life more than ever.
I always think that iNo has some systems arranged to find similar tunes in it. but I don't think it hurts anybody if I say that iNo really knows what I am feeling every time. iNo LISTENS to me.
You know... when you spend so much time with one person, you started to resembles one another. maybe this is what happened with me and iNo.
maybe that's why i called my 'lil friend, iNo....
what?! even closer than me and my twinsister Pitch? whoaaaaa coooll..!! :P
BalasHapusisn't your twinsister called Bitch? heeheehee..
BalasHapushaven't you heard my late complaint?
BalasHapusi'd been whining "my name is Bitch and i miss my twinsister Pitch."
so *I* am Bitch.
yu, ini aneh tau ga.. jadi gue menshuffle lagu di ipod gue itu. dan serinnggg banget kepikiran ah enaknya abis lagu ini muetr lagu ini nih. trus tiba2 ipod itu memutar lagu itu... WOW! hebat yah.
BalasHapusmenurut gue ada keterikatan antara ipod gue dan batin gue deh yu...
this is creepy!
EXACTLY! maksud gue ituh... gue kira gue doang yang begituh. dan bisa terus sampe 5 lagu lebih loh... kalo cuma 1 lagu ato 2 lagu doang mungkin KEBETULAN yah. mungkinkah Steve Jobs juga memberi teknologi 'ikatan batin' di dalam iPodnya? heheh
BalasHapusaaahhh senangnya... brarti gue ga aneh dong yah.
mau dong EndahNRhessa-nya...copy, copy, copy!
BalasHapusyauds besok skalian PS I Love You-nya yah
BalasHapusyou know the iNo...cb kl lo taroh ditas atau dimana liatin deh, mgkn dia tiba2 berubah jadi robot :D
BalasHapusheeeu... tau deh yg abis ntn transformers...
BalasHapusbelom doesnt make u like megan fox loh :D ohya btw i'm reading pluto nowadays..same cool as 20th CB
BalasHapusoo wkt itu gak jd? gue nanti mlm. ga pengen jd kaya megan fox juga, meski mupenk sm cowoknye... huh
BalasHapusiya dua duanya aneh :))