Rabu, 21 Maret 2007

SAOSiN Live in Jakarta

Start:     May 20, '07
End:     May 22, '07
Location:     tbc
Hujan di Jakarta emang udah biasa. Tapi kalo Jakarta hujan konser, cuma Java yang bisa bikin. Abis sukses berat sama MUSE akhir Februari kemaren, ternyata rencanan Java masih panjang. Masih ada Good Charlotte dan SAOSIN!
Good Charlotte sih standar yah, tapi SAOSIN? Whoaaa... buat band yang baru punya satu album, cukup mencengangkan juga bisa ngadain konser, di Jakarta pulak...
Rencana konsernya bakal digelar tanggal 20 Mei nanti, dengan tiket yang cukup terjangkau (dibanding MUSE yaaa..).
Tribune: Rp 200rb
Festival: Rp 300rb

Semoga gak ada perubahan yaaah... untuk tempatnya masih belom dikasi tau tuh. Gak percaya sama gue? http://www.amild.com/web/v4/news.php?newsID=2507

So, I'll see ya emo freaks in May 20th!!

Selasa, 13 Maret 2007

The Muses

bukan woodstock ataupun lollapalooza, but the excitement's alike...

one nite I shall never forget. all those shivery and pretty feelings. with all the excitement and enjoyment.
the one and only nite muse were here...

Senin, 12 Maret 2007

charicature me and ingsky by ce~i

this was a charicature of me drawn for my birthday card by CeCil. and also a charicature of Ingsky, beautifully dressed in red polka ;p
with such great finishing touch, ce~i managed to put the pic in deviantart.
have a look, and not to forget the whole gallery of my talented friend, ce~i...
