Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


gue dpt alamat ini dari temen gue.


barangnya emang lucu2. bbrp kali pengen sepatunya tapi gak jadi2 terus. sampe akhirnya ada jaket yang gue suka banget, plus bos gue jg ternyata mau dress buat anaknya, akhirnya gue pesen deh.

setelah nunggu sebulan, barangnya gak dateng2. dia pasti gak tau deh berurusan sama siapa.
pas gue buka pagenya lagi, seenanya dia udah naro jaket gue di SOLD OUT item. hellooooooooo... barang nyampe aja belom!

ternyata di page itu jg banyak yg nanyain knp barangnya belom dateng.
langsung aja gue kasih komen juga. secara gue telpon gak aktif nomernya. dan di message di FB gak pernah dibales.

are you smelling what I'm smelling here??? FRAUD?

sampe suatu hari message gue dibales di FB, katanya... "Masa siih belom sampe? Itu udah lama loh dikirimnya..."

jadi gue yg dituduh nipu?

akhirnya baru hari ini barangnya dateng. dan ternyata..... ENG ING EEEENG.... Barangnya beda aja gethooooo sama di foto!!

call me crazy but these are 2 different things.

waktu gue SMS nanya knp beda, dia bingung. abis gue jelasin bedanya di mana, dia lgs nanya norek gue buat balikin duit dan minta barangnya dikirim balik. gue sih jelas gak akan balikin sblm dia transfer balik ke gue.

pas gue tanya, "jadi jaket yang saya mau itu gak ada?"
jawabannya: "Gak ada Sist."

ANJ**T! diboongin abis gue.

jadi temen-temen.... ati2 yah kalo mau blanja online terutama di sini. cari yg pasti2 ajah... yang temen lo udah pernah pesen di sana. kalo bisa ditelpon dulu yang jualan, nyambung apa ngga.
tapi drpd online shopping mending ke ITC aja yang udah pasti.

this Garage Store really makes me SICK!!!!




Minggu, 18 April 2010

The Lovely Bones

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Susie Salmon, meninggal pada tanggal 6 Desember 1973 di lapangan belakang sekolah. Informasi yang sudah dikumandangkan sejak awal. siapa pembunuhnya pun juga sudah diumumkan sejak awal; tetangga yang diam-diam selalu memerhatikannya. tetangga yang tak pernah kita kira sebelumnya. tapi tentu saja kita tahu, karena sejak awal adegan dengan sang tetangga, George Harvey, sudah diterbitkan.

jadi, ceritanya sungguh bukan tentang mencari pembunuh, karena ini bukan film thriller detektif. namun lebih kepada drama tentang hidup sesudah mati dan hidup mereka yang ditinggalkan oleh Susie.

kedua hidup yang masih sama penasaran meski seakan mengalir begitu saja. sang ayah, yang tak henti mencurigai setiap orang yang dekat dengan keluarga mereka, membuat sang ibu melarikan diri dari rumah karena masih tidak bisa menerima kematian Susie yang mendadak dan mayatnya belum juga ditemukan.

sementara Susie yang terjebak di dunia antara, juga masih menyimpan rasa penasaran. bukan karena ingin pembunuhnya segera tertangkap namun ternyata lebih karena keinginannya merasakan cinta yang ia tinggalkan sesaat sebelum ajalnya tiba.

tidak ada yang bisa meragukan kemampuan Peter Jackson menghadirkan representasi surga. dan setiap adegan pun terasa indah. seandainya keindahan tersebut didukung oleh story-telling yang kuat dan adegan yang tidak terlalu dipaksakan atau berlebihan seperti saat George Harvey akhirnya mendapatkan karmanya.

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

alice in wonderland

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
have you go down to the rabbit hole?

I have. and it was sooooooooooooo much fun! I grew tall and fall to shrink. I had slay the Jabberwocky and it absolutely didn't make me look weak.

so one may hate but one may love. when I fell down the rabbit hole, is the best part of the most.

oh and the Red Queen may forever be hated. because "I'd rather be feared than be loved", I heard her said.

ps. the battle of director and muse is even for me :D

shutter island

Genre: Other
well well... if it's not the battle of directors and their muses?
Scorsese-DiCaprio VS Burton-Depp, I might say.

the long awaited movie has finally arrived-at the same time. again, many dislike this movie as it is so dark and twisted and use a large amount of you brain to digest it, but I do enjoy it.

you may also know about the story of a detective called to the island to find a mysteriously missing patient. the detective, with his new partner out of nowhere, were trapped in an island of crazy cons. the story will lead you to a set up that the hospital made for the detective or is it the detective that is delusional.

if you enjoy watching Hitchcock, I think you'll enjoy watching this one, but in a more complicated way. the music, the angle, the storytelling is like you're going backwards to Hitchcock era. well, it's Scorsese... what do you expect? hahah...

but I love it though.

the imaginarium of dr. parnassus

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
"A film from Heath Ledger & friends"
as I quoted from the movie. a best way to make a tribute to the talented Mr Ledger. and I do shiver as I saw him for the first time hanging by a rope under the bridge.

many may say that this movie has less imagination than the title. but for me, what can be more enjoying than watching 4 of my favorite actors all in one movie? Mr. Ledger, Mr. Law, Mr. Depp and the everlasting legend, Mr. Tom Waits.

the imagination starts thousands of years ago, when Dr. Parnassus had a bet with the devil, or Mr. Nick. when Parny-a nickname for Dr. Parnassus from Mr. Nick-wins, Mr. Nick grant him an immortality. which turns out to be a curse than a gift.

another bet was held, and it involves Parny's daughter, Valentina or Scrumpy. she'll be Mr. Nick's at the age of 16 if Parny failed to collect 5 souls just before the birthday.

greed. arrogant. selfishness. all the basic human nature seem to thrown at us and remind us that choices are exist. either the Parnassus way or the devil's way, it's all up to us...

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

a note to myself

dear me,
how many times have I told you that there is no such as thing as best friends?
there is only friends with benefit.
you spend times with them only when you're in need of something.
so why the hell on earth did you still do everything for them?
giving almost all of your time and went all the way for them?
it's not like they will do the same for you,
enough of the heroic act,
the world has enough of it.
if they can only think of themselves, why do you bother to think about them?

now repeat after me..


yeah I know you never listen to me,
but at least remember the bad experiences you've had with your so-called-best-friend!
darling, when will you ever learn...

please save yourself and give yourself a credit.
they're not worth it.

from now on, just mind your own business and let's not get too attached with them-the best friend look alike.
stop doing everything for them and go the whole way, only for them.

best friends will stand the test of time. just let the natural selection did it for you.
if they are truly your best friends, they'll be there for you even in your darkest hours.

so please watch it before you thought your friend is a best friend.

and as for my-so-called-best-friend...
let's just get busy with our lives. our own life.


Senin, 01 Maret 2010


beberapa waktu lalu saya merasa sangat stuck dengan pekerjaan dan brand yang membosankan. rasanya mau pindah ke tim lain, menangani brand lain yang lebih menyenangkan, lebih produktif, biar lebih berasa "hidupnya" gitu loh...

sebelum sempat curhat dan mencari solusi ke bos, ternyata kemarin di kantor dibuatlah workshop. bikin digital-Led campaign untuk satu produk cup noodles. tim saya terdiri dari 3 jagoan yang dari awal saya yakin sangat membanggakan, 1 wanita yang dari awal saya yakin akan jadi duri dalam tim kami, dan saya sendiri.

seperti yang sudah saya bayangkan, si wanita tidak pernah mau ikut saat kita brainstorm. yang lebih mengejutkan, ternyata dia mengundurkan diri dengan alasan tidak bisa bikin strategi (padahal konon dia AE. how stupid is dat?)

sesi brainstorm kami pun mengalir begitu saja bahkan di tengah huru-hara pekerjaan mereka. Randi dengan revisi yang gak pernah berhenti, Mas Bimo yang terus-terus diteror storyline, dan Picu di tengah surveynya ke Cengkareng. menyenangkan bisa nyoba kerja sama anggota tim tetangga, sama bosnya tim tetangga. it's refreshing!

intinya long wiken cukup deg2an meski kami tetap bisa bersenang-senang. email dan SMS bertubi di hari Minggu. Senin pun datang, tim lain tampak siap dengan perlengkapan masing2. begitu advance, matang dan siap menang! rasanya mau sembunyi aja di balik tempurung dan berlindung.

kami, tim yang biasa2, tanpa syuting, tanpa strategi mutakhir, akhirnya cuma bisa cengar-cengir dengan presentasi yang sangat minim.  tapi Randi terus bilang bahwa dia senang, semua ini menyenangkan. saya pun kembali semangat :)

let's just get on with it and let it over before we know it...

selesai presentasi, moderator mempersilakan Pak Presdir untuk tanya ke kita. sambil tersenyum beliau berkata, "Gak ada.." ya ampuuuun... itu udah pencapaian buat kita! abis itu, saya merasa beban yang berat banget hilang.

menyaksikan presentasi tim lain, meski makin bikin jiper, jadi belajar banyak juga. they are all brilliant!

but when it comes to winner, there can be only one. and gratefully it was us, the 3minutesFactory team...

saya senang sekaliiiii!!

di tengah kemunduran intelektual dan bakat, ternyata otak saya masih bisa berfungsi dengan baik karena dorongan dari 3 jagoan saya, Mas Bimo, Randi dan Picu!!!

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH GUYS, you've turned our 3minutesFactory in to 3minutesVictory!!!

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Hoki Baju Kebalik

berangkat pagi dengan excitement di hati.
nonton PLACEBO malam nanti.
baju tempur dengan sepatu konser sudah melekat. sampai di kantor,
tersadar kaosnya kebalik, depan jadi blakang, vice versa... bodo amat, nekat.
mendekati jamnya, dag-dig-dug makin tak menentu.
jantung pun semakin melonjak setelah dapat SMS dari Varin,
"Udah dateng aja... Gak perlu ke calo."
gemetar sejadi-jadinya.
ayo jantungku, kembali ke tempatnya! I have to go to this gig!!!

and there I was...
stepped in as they played
"Cenicero Cenicero... Mi corazon mi cenicero!!!"

even though they didn't play "I Do",
I did have a blast especially when they played
"Every Me, Every You"
and my favorite

tons of thank yous for Varinnia Wibowo for making this happen.
though you don't believe in myth but good luck happened last night.

it was so great I just don't want it to end.

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Valentine's Day

Genre: Romantic Comedy
it was a surprise that he wanted to watch this movie at the theatre :)

several love stories happen in one special day. from happily married couple for about 27 years to the one who just proposed or just a boy who (think) he loves his teacher.
but apparently not all of them feel love. one is throwing a love hater party. other caught their lover at a dinner party with his wife, celebrating their 15th anniversary. which is one of my favorite scene.

but I will give my deepest bow to Taylor Swift. she's like total kewlness!! she was like so in to it. like dig in to it. like a total kewl... when she dance she was like whateva, am a dancer. Imma dancing to any beat... a total 2 thumbs up!!!

well, it's officially a date movie for Valentine's day...

it's complicated

Genre: Romantic Comedy
when you've divorced for 10 years and your ex husband thinks he's still in love with you... it's complicated
when your ex husband is actually married to another woman... it's complicated
when you finally have an affair with your ex husband... indeed, love is complicated!

but you'll enjoy how Merryll Streep at her golden age be the "IT" woman. alluring and tempting to men.
you'll also love how Alec Baldwin fall madly in love and do stupidest thing, as if they were teenagers.

I guarantee you'll enjoy every minute of it. and somehow find yourself in one or two scene since somehow it related to you :)

Love is complicated. you know as Paolo Coelho said, "Love is always new..."

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

it's Magic without Johnson...

maybe you just got hit by a giant chocolate candy
I never saw you as sweet as last night...

thank you.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

#1 edition

my first attempt on Fish Eye 2 with slide films

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

The Box

Genre: Mystery & Suspense
for being utterly weird.

or maybe I just hate movies with alien resurrection background. d'oh.

Whip It!

Genre: Drama

for these furious, tattooed, barbarian women are coming your way on their roller skates!!!

Ellen Paige is Bliss Cavendar, a teenage girl suffer from her mom's ambition of being a beauty pageant. Bliss is just not a beauty queen material, with her glasses, roack band tees, dark stockings and boots from the head shop.

she's dreaming about something else. something more like her. something more like Texas Derby Rollers...

an underground 21 y.o. women only roller skating championship she first saw on her secret trip with her BFF, Pash. one way leads to another, she passed the try out and finally became member of an underdog roller derby team by the name of Babe Ruthless. of course without the permission from her parents, especially not her mom.

please do watch the movie for the girl power spirit covered with chic violence and a heart warming mother-daughter relationship. spirit burning for girls and hormone tingling for guys ;)

and I do think Drew Barrymore has a fine taste of directing.

Rawk on, Gurl!!!

ps. if you think Babe Ruthless is such a name, wait till you hear Smashley Simpson, Jabba The Slut, and a coach named Razor...

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Law Abiding Citizen

Genre: Other
inilah yang terjadi saat "Philadelphia" bertemu "Saw".

ceritanya sendiri sangat relevan dengan apa yang sering terjadi di sini. di mana institusi hukum dipertanyakan dan keadilan bisa dicapai dengan jabat tangan. sebagai korban dari ketidakadilan, Clyde (Gerard Butler) menuntut agar pembunuh keluarganya dihukum seberat-beratnya. tidak berhasil melalui pengadilan, ia melakukannya dengan caranya sendiri. inilah yang membuat film ini jadi sangat menarik :)

ada yg punya casing underwater camera yg bisa dipinjem gaaak??? mau doong...