Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Whip It!

Genre: Drama

for these furious, tattooed, barbarian women are coming your way on their roller skates!!!

Ellen Paige is Bliss Cavendar, a teenage girl suffer from her mom's ambition of being a beauty pageant. Bliss is just not a beauty queen material, with her glasses, roack band tees, dark stockings and boots from the head shop.

she's dreaming about something else. something more like her. something more like Texas Derby Rollers...

an underground 21 y.o. women only roller skating championship she first saw on her secret trip with her BFF, Pash. one way leads to another, she passed the try out and finally became member of an underdog roller derby team by the name of Babe Ruthless. of course without the permission from her parents, especially not her mom.

please do watch the movie for the girl power spirit covered with chic violence and a heart warming mother-daughter relationship. spirit burning for girls and hormone tingling for guys ;)

and I do think Drew Barrymore has a fine taste of directing.

Rawk on, Gurl!!!

ps. if you think Babe Ruthless is such a name, wait till you hear Smashley Simpson, Jabba The Slut, and a coach named Razor...

6 komentar:

  1. also featuring the melancholy musician, Landon Pigg as an indie band member who dated Bliss. believe me, he's better in singing and making songs. please don't act, dear... thank you.

  2. as we can see Ellen Page is in this kind of film she used to...i love her btw, its the role her originality like Juno, plus Drew who directed in a rock'n roll chic-world is a main thang!

  3. keren sih tp gue tetep ngerasa ada yg kurang. apa ya?

  4. ahh kmrn gak jd beli film ini. kapan2 pinjem yak :D

  5. sip! tukeran sama The Invention of Lying yap!
