Senin, 12 Maret 2007

charicature me and ingsky by ce~i
this was a charicature of me drawn for my birthday card by CeCil. and also a charicature of Ingsky, beautifully dressed in red polka ;p
with such great finishing touch, ce~i managed to put the pic in deviantart.
have a look, and not to forget the whole gallery of my talented friend, ce~i...


6 komentar:

  1. ha ha ha.. nice.. btw happy birthday!

  2. thanks, I'll tell it to cecil.
    and thanks for the-2-months-late-greet, cret!

  3. ahahhahaha... ndapapa kaliii...
    eniwei, pak... kalo ada panggilang menggambar dan mewarnai lagi, siap sedia yak?

    tengkyuuu... ;p

  4. wah kapan hari burung-nya?? selamat hari burung deh.. sekalian numpang ngiklan, saya juga punya dA loh: silakan berkunjung.. hehehe... ngomong2, karikaturnya bagus ^_^

  5. trima kasih, nanti saya kasi tau cecil. saya juga punya deviantart, tapi malu ah kasi taunyah...
