Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Calling my ABG years back!
Uh-ho, dats right gal... this movie is like totally cool. it's like er... it's so cool I need to hide my hicky-kinda thing.
it's like my real story in a big screen!! gosh, how cool is dat? I mean like the boys and the gals and those geeky-popular thingy with the boys and the gals. I mean it's like fantabulous, doncha think?
plus the thing dat this is British... owwh I love the accent. and the boys in the band... and the 'snogging' kinda thingy... and the school... and everything!
I mean... EVERY-THING!

this movie is BIG... I mean like REAL BIG, gang...

6 komentar:

  1. gwe benci cowo2 yang cakepnya absolut... hahahaha

  2. wuakakakakakka... gue juga jijay sih liat si Roub-e... mendingan Dave deh. Ya gak Do?

  3. idih (sambil tetep ngasi satu bintang)

  4. udah baca bukunya belom Yoe? gue baca bukunya dulu dan udah ngakak2.. felmnya gak selucu bukunya sih, tapi boleh lah..

    dan aku suka cowonyaaa.. waakakakakakaka... *ABG mode: ON* (eh tunggu, gue kan emang masih ABG! wakakakaka)

  5. gue tau banget Ra... lo PASTI udah baca bukunya dan PASTI udah nonton...

  6. Favoritku adalah setting sekolahnya dan rumahnya dan tamannya dan logat britishnya ... huehehe:D
