Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

when I forgot to say I love you

it was late that night, I was just coming home from work. I've waited long for the door finally opened, but you just didn't open it for me as usual, the maid opened it for me.

I was tired and too exhausted to think of anything but to hate you.

And it was going on until the next morning. You've prepared me breakfast but then I said No. even I didn't kiss you goodbye. I just walked away, still grumbling about last night.

Just as I've arrived at the office, bad news happen constantly. Enough to push me off my limit. It was a never ending arguing day, with everyone. And can't seem to find any way out. I am so pissed off that I've decided to leave early from the office.

I was so mad, I started to cry and try to figure out where did I go wrong.

Then suddenly i realised... This is simply something I deserve. Because of the night before. Because I forgot to say I love you that day. I type the text and send it to you, immediately...

"I forgot to say I love you today, now my day's a mess. I'm sorry, I love you, Mom..."

After I did the evening prayer, you replied...

"It's okay. I love you too..."

Never doubt it a single second, Mom...
I love you so much.

3 komentar:

  1. hohoho senangnya menemukan orang yang terbiasa ngomong 'i love you mom'..
    kalo gue udah gonjang-ganjing dah bumi.. :P

  2. payyin: mmmuaaaahh...
    alia: heehee
    rara: mulai dibiasain Ra... and it feels really good...
