Senin, 30 April 2007

A Weekend in The City

Genre: Alternative Rock
Artist:Bloc Party
getting more mature is what we used to do. mature is definitely this album's middle name. no harsh rockin' sound like HELICOPTER. they sure has reduced some beats turn it in to some experimental sound. it sure is a new thing, but I thought Bloc Party is about burstin' out our spirit.
getting more mature is usually when all we talked about is love. find some sweet sounds in SUNDAY, I STILL REMEMBER, and KREUZBERG. tunes I loved most. but find more spirit as well as new sounds in THE PRAYER or SONG FOR CLAY (DISAPPEAR HERE).
for everything else, I thought they have done a good job after all...

2 komentar:

  1. di recommend banget album BLOC PARTY yang ini, besides lagunya keren2 gw juga demen covernya :) Tapi dibanding album sebelumnya, yg ini rada lebih slow ya :)

  2. becuLL...
    makanya gue bilang mereka lg pd jatuh cinta! ;p
    atau mungkin selera pasar, entah yaaahh... enywey, udah liat video klipnya The Prayer?? CANGGIH MAMPUS!!
