Minggu, 10 Juni 2007

Marie Antoinette

Genre: Classics
What do you expect?

People have their own expectations about this movie. That's why the reviews about Sofia Coppola's newest creation is sucks big time.
Lucky me, I have no expectation on this one. So I just follow where it will lead me. And enjoying the beautiful scenery. The thing I loved most about Sofia's movies. Loved the tone color, the dresses, the angle, the lighting, everything... is very her!
Yep, this movie has got nothing (or maybe a little but not much) to do with history. Basically the story is about how the borjouis spent their lives partying and left France in enormous debt. Such cause from a very boring life they had.

Thank God, my life's not boring!

Thank God I have NO expectations!!

4 komentar:

  1. ini kurang begitu bagus sih...
    kurang konflik..

  2. lha yess...
    I told you I love pretty pictures!!

  3. Baju-bajunya emang kereen pisaan :)

  4. yoii... not to forget the hair do, sepatu2nya juga lucyu2...
