Senin, 07 April 2008

Across The Universe

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
call me weird or old fashioned...
but I don't like this, at all.

especially when they always force the song to fit on the scene. not to forget the absurd scenes about the circus and all. I just don't get it.
besides the story is so lame...
there's just no beauty in it, if you exclude the sinematography.

nothing's quite important about this one. maybe you wanna switch on to ONCE, in the middle of the movie... it surely has more soul!

then again, this is just my opinion... and my boyfriend.

by the way, if you happen to like or fanatic about this movie, I have a DVD to give away! YAY!!

7 komentar:

  1. eh mau dong yu DVD nya? original kah???

  2. kagak kalleee... tapi DVD 9. udah mendekati ori...

  3. gpp saya mah...
    saya suka lagu2nya seh... hehehe

  4. why yoe?why u dont like it?hehehe. it's like a cinematique journey.bayangin yoe, ini kaya nonton remakenya beatles yellow submarine.hehee.maksa niy gw

  5. Yu...
    Kali ini gw kagak setubuh ma sebel ma elo...
    Ini nih film terbaik sepanjang masa. Dah 4 kali gw nonton film ini, dan gw masih menangis terus. Apalagi pas di lagu Let it Be ma All you need is Love. Oh yu...kenapa Yu...Yu..ya..yu...

  6. qoqoi: mungkin krn gue gak terlalu suka Beatles ya?
    widya: gilak lo, film kaya gini dikasi bintang 5??? why, Wiiid... WHYYY???
