Senin, 21 Mei 2007

wake me up when Room V played...

I have only one motive to came to the gig, dance to Friday I'm In Love brought by Room V, as well as other similar songs. But those other bands are so damn proud of their idealistic mind and decided not to bring any mainstream songs from The Cure. What's wrong with being mainstream? Those people nowadays just don't know how to pleased people.
All those journey to Room V are trying so damn hard NOT to be so The Cure. Hellooo... isn't it what this gig is for? To pay some respect to The Cure??? Instead they kinda played their own songs... Forgive for being mainstream, but I just wanna enjoy tunes that kinda familiar to my ears. Not some irritating sound of yours, that I barely recognized or even understood.
The clock seemed to move slowly beneath the stage. While I was that close to gave up when Planet Bumi finally played, with Bagus as the lead singer! NEAT!!

After that it was all junk stuff and I have to wait and wait and wait. You know waiting is the thing that I hate most? Not to mention I have to hear those lousy tunes coming in and out of my ears. Gosh, I think I have to charged them for these bruising ears.

It's about midnite when the most anticipated band played. Bagus is now in black and showed in The Crow's make up. I just loved them so much. They played along great. Except that they chose to played on something dark that nite. So... So much for me dancing along. I can say is that they're THE CURE for the long irritating nite. I missed them so much. It's been years since they played. And that nite was the nite I've waited for... Where finally someone brought a total The Cure's tunes (Not that they don't have their own songs).

So much for the concept of the gig. Can you imagine something with NO concept at all???

10 komentar:

  1. terliat sedikit kesal dng mereka(roomV)...sayang gw gak jadi ke diliat dr postingan lo sound lots of fun....damn!miss it..

  2. he?
    ngga lah, justru mereka penyelamat bangett!! agak sedikit kecewa krn gak bawain lagu yg agak ceria. mungkin karena udah midnite...

  3. oooo...i see...bagus lah bisa menghibur km2...

  4. ..usut punya usut ternyata gig kemaren itu diselenggarakan oleh fans club or whatsoever-nya Goodnight Electric..Makanya isinya band2 kurang ajar yang nyanyiin lagu sendiri di acara Tribute..
    Room V sedikit menyelamatkan lah..meski mereka keliatan banget kurang persiapan, seneng banget pas Treasure dibawain yaa, lagu langka tuh!!
    Acara kemaren lebih pas dinamain Tribut Buat Para Banci Tampil..oh, come on..sebenernya mereka ngerti nggak sih konsepnya TRIBUT??!

  5. oalaaaaaaahh... pantess!
    itu dia siiil yang mau gue tanyain... mereka bikin acara ada konsepnya nih, tapi kok yo malah diselewengkan??? gimana kalo yg gak pake konsep cobaa??
    kebayang gak loooo???

  6. iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh... desperately!
    mint car, friday i'm in love, just like heaven, in between days and some new tunes like taking off and wrong number...

  7. mint car ada, friday i'm in love ada, just like heaven ada, inbetween days juga ada yu..

  8. iya sih... sampe 2 kali malah. tp kan bukan dibawain Room V....

  9. Ckckckck, luar biasa nih :)
    gw baru baca setelah 4 taun berlalu..
    Pengen bgt sih bikin tribute yg bener2 cuma "the cure song" aja yg dimainin.
    Mudah2an bisa terus nge-New Wave bareng Room V ya.
