Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

inglourious basterds

Genre: Other
every common-normal person must've hate Nazis in their own reasons and ways. well, I say this is the way Mr. Tarantino hated them.
slaughtered, butchered, beated, not to forget skinned them to death. not to forget every point that made them even stupid.
the basterds or what they call The Bear Jaw consists of Americans, most preferrable Jewish army, haunt the Nazis down, and even taking down the Fuhrer himself in their own inglourious way.
maybe it's fun to watch history in reverse angle, but somehow I still find it inappropriate.
don't get me wrong, I still appreciate the Tarantino's way. he never loses his touch. a very well done movie in terms of execution. and no doubt for Mr. Pitt. he's just the man for being a basterd.

as for me, in this Nazis thingy, I choose not to take sides.
(please, this is just a movie review. jangan dikomen yang macem-macem apalagi berhubungan sama Nazi2an. pleaseee....)

10 komentar:

  1. pertamax ----> biar ga ada hubungan sama nazi2an

  2. ah! nggak jadi nonton ini tadi. sebel!

  3. semua yg nonton kasi review bagus..kata temen gw lebih sadis dari Kill Bill..perpaduan Kill Bill ama Hostel. Jadi penasaran...wiken aaah..

  4. it is fun to watch, obviously. let's watch it again when I'm done with this blood shattered trauma... ehueheuehue

  5. cukup mengobati rindu kangen film2 Q.T....., dan gue tau dia bikin skrip ini dr jaman pilem pulp fiction..cuma blon kelar2... eduuuuunnnn

  6. jox: ogituuu... emang kalo propaganda kudu bener2 mateng... eheuheuehuehue

  7. gw ngerti deh skarang knp lo mikir2 buat nonton ini lagi. gw langsung mual begitu selesai nonton.

  8. ani: wuaaaaaaaaaaaakakakakakkakkakkakakakakakakk
