Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Monsters VS Aliens

Genre: Animation
This movie really lights up my day...
First the experience of 3D in theatre is really something. I feel like a 5 year old already as they put on the promo of the upcoming 3D movies.

And since today is Wednesday, I got all the C row for myself! That was extra...

Though it started out like romantic comedy/chick flick thingy (Thanks for the Reese Witherspoon part), the next chapter of it was very universal. I don't know but somehow the dialogue is an adult conversation not as free and innocent as for a 5 year old.

But I know I got the best part when Bob said...
"I know I don't have brain, but I got an idea!"

I think that's just brilliant!
Don't you...?

4 komentar:

  1. wah..lo nonton yg 3D ya, Yoe? Seru tuh...gw nonton yg biasa aja udah ngakak2 melulu.
    Apalagi yang bagian akhir, waktu si Bob "mutusin" Derek..hehehe..

  2. genius! :))) tapi gw blom nonton nih.

  3. wahhhhhhhhhhh jd mauuuuuuu, dulu udah kepengen tp nunggu direview yg udah ntn dulu, hihi gwe telat bgt, tp masih ada di blitz kan yu?

  4. Mamir: emangnya ada yang biasa yah? yg 3D keren abiiiis... Disney n Pixar mau keluarin banyak 3D abis ini. gak sabar nunggu yang isinya makanan semua... apa yah judulnya, lupa. something to do with meatballs... enyaaaaakk...

    ani: iya Niii... keren banget yah?? yg gak punya otak aja bisa punya ide, masa kita yg punya otak ngga Ni? tertohok banget tuh... qiqiqiqiiqiq

    fifi: wah kalo di blitz gak tau deh. gue ntn di PIM. dia sharing studio sama Wolverine. jam 12-3 sore, Monster ini jam 5 ke atas udah wolverine. gituuuh...
