Selasa, 16 September 2008

After The Wedding-Efter Brylluppet (2006)

Genre: Foreign
I was looking for a movie about life while we were out for lunch to Ratu Plaza. Then my eyes bumped in to the sweet cover of this movie.

Luckily, I'm not giving up my luck for nothing.

The story started in an orphanage house in India. It was a wistful situation. The orphanage is in desperation of donation. Jacob, as the person in charge, has to go to Denmark to meet with a donor. A CEO of a big company in Denmark, Jorgen.
Being very polite (and a slightly hidden agenda), Jorgen invited Jacob to attend his daughter's wedding the next day. And so Jacob came just to find his long lost love now married to Jorgen. That the wedding is his own daughter's wedding.

Then, Jorgen agreed to give Jacob $4 million dollars to his orphanage on one condition; Jacob has to stay in Denmark and never go back to India.

Desperation. Sacrifation for salvation. Seems to find its way out of this movie...
No wonder it was nominated for Best Foreign Movie in Academy Awards.

5 komentar:

  1. Happy ending gak, Yu.... Gw gak mo nonton klo gak happy ending. Classic banget yah....itulah gw. Hehehehe...Sayang membuang uang utk film yg gak berakhir bahagia.

  2. hepi dg menitikkan setetes air mata

  3. lo kayaknya punya bakat terpendam dalam membaca isi film dari cover ya Yu..
    gue nonton Once juga gara2 lo review di sini.. berikutnya into the wild terus after the wedding deh.. film "aneh2" apa lagi yang mau lo rekomendasikan? xixixixixii...

  4. Once dan After The Wild itu dari temen gue... kalo ini dan SLEUTH, gue bener2 gambling...

    umm... Dan In Real Life udah blm Ra? kata Ani bagus tuuuuh...
